Super Dave's Seasonal Maintenance Package
As the seasons start to change, get road-ready with Super Dave's Auto Sales!
We'll top up your fluids, change your tires and oil and make sure your car has a visual inspection for common failure points to ensure you're ready for any summer adventures that come your way.
Book your seasonal maintenance between April 1st and May 31st and save over 30% off regular pricing!
Call our service department at 902-700-7602 (press 2 for service) or click the buttons below to book your appointment.
Synthetic Oil Package
- Synthetic Oil Change (up to 5 litres*)
- Tire Change
- Fluid Top Up
- Visual Inspection
Regular Oil Package
- Oil Change (up to 5 litres*)
- Tire Change
- Fluid Top Up
- Visual Inspection
*There is an additional cost per litre for vehicles requiring more than five litres of oil. Any oil above five litres will be charged at regular retail rate.
This package is only available for clients who book within the April 1st - May 31st 2022 promotional period.